Monday, February 10, 2014

Beginning of February

FEBRUARY the time of year to talk about love and show everyone who you love! 

We have started february with some crafts and art projects showcasing hearts of course
We are going to be counting to twenty in a number match on our "Love Bugs" starting with lady bugs 1-5. We are also going to be doing butterflies, caterpillars and snails the same way. While this is a closed ended project I just make sure we even it out with other open ended projects like our valentine making and painting with heart cookie cutters.

Here we organized different shape hearts onto one giant heart. We talked about the different sizes and different words for each size. Big can be giant, huge, large! while small can be tiny, teeny, itsy and so on! a great way to learn new vocabulary and get a better feel for the size of things.

 Here is the beginning of our counting love bugs. Starting with one giant lady bug with heart spots we then matched the numbers 1-5 to smaller lady bugs. We will be doing to rest of our love bugs soon. While this is very closed ended I knew we had to practice our one to one correspondence. Crafts like this are only things I would really do with one or two children just because it was a lot of set up and would definitely have to be adapted to use in a classroom.

To balance out between the closed ended projects I do open ended projects which means there is no certain outcome to expect. Open ended projects are really to help the child become proud of their work, build self esteem and experiment. They also help teachers who specialize in development learn about the children and see if they are in the right stage of development. We made valentines to send out to our families and friends which I forgot to take pictures of before they were mailed off but we also have done some free painting and cookie cutter painting!

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