Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Triangle Fox

For January we have been making things out of shapes. We have done a Train Name, Triangle Fox, Circle Walrus and Rectangle Igloo. It was really fun for me to think of how to make things out of different shapes but I loved it even more seeing what the little dude was able to do when I gave him the materials. He definitely made them cuter then I had even thought of.

He put his name in order and glued on the rail road track. He then added on all the wheels. 

He was given all the different shaped triangles. I laid them out how the fox was supposed to look and then mixed them up. With some guidance I helped him figure out what went where but where he glued them after that was completely up to him. I AM IN LOVE with how cute this fox turned out. With its little head tilted I think it is so cute. 

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