Friday, July 12, 2013

Adventure time!!

I found this cool place right by where my little dudes house is so we went to explore!! Its called the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary and there was a lot of wildlife to see! They also have blackberry bushes you can pick the blackberries off and eat right there! The sanctuary has a lot of separate man made ponds with a lot of different types of birds. We saw the basic mama duck with ducklings but we also so giant cranes as well. Part of the parks trails are under canopies with little streams on either side and other parts are open with a lot of benches by the ponds to sit down and just enjoy the view. The terrain was easy to walk so it was quite a little nice "hike" to do with a 3 year old. I was still asked to pick him up a lot too but he still was able to march on through it. Lucky me he took an awesome nap when we got home as well! Perfect ending!! 

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