Friday, July 12, 2013

Adventure time!!

I found this cool place right by where my little dudes house is so we went to explore!! Its called the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary and there was a lot of wildlife to see! They also have blackberry bushes you can pick the blackberries off and eat right there! The sanctuary has a lot of separate man made ponds with a lot of different types of birds. We saw the basic mama duck with ducklings but we also so giant cranes as well. Part of the parks trails are under canopies with little streams on either side and other parts are open with a lot of benches by the ponds to sit down and just enjoy the view. The terrain was easy to walk so it was quite a little nice "hike" to do with a 3 year old. I was still asked to pick him up a lot too but he still was able to march on through it. Lucky me he took an awesome nap when we got home as well! Perfect ending!! 

Underwater Pictures

 How fun is it to be able to play in the water and take pictures of what is actually happening underneath the surface!! Since my little dude and I have been swimming and he was just getting used to having his face underwater I thought what a perfect time to show him how silly we look under the surface! We had such a blast with the GoPro and he was even able to take some pictures himself! They all turned out blurry but he loved telling me to dive underwater, grab his toys, and jump off the side so he could wait to take a picture of me under water!
Don't mind my beautiful face!

Jumping in!!

Swimming by the steps!!

Frozen Paint

!!!Frozen Paint!!!

My little dude loves getting messy. If I want him to do any sort of art project for longer than 3 minutes I have to make sure it is something he can really get his hands dirty with. Lately since it has been so hot I've been trying to add frozen items to our projects!

Today I dragged out brown butcher paper and used frozen paint for him to play with. He loved it! It was such an awesome project to be able to watch the paint melt and really have the colors start coming to life! I used silicone heart shaped molds that I bought from the dollar section at Target years ago. I've also used these to make crayons before too since they are able to be used in the oven.

After he was done painting the paper with the paint he asked to put them in our water tub. From then he destroyed them but crumbling them and laughing the rest of the day. What an easy project to do!

We were able to talk about science when we watched the paint dissolve in the water and melt in the sun. He was able to help his fine motor skills along when he painted with the hearts and had to keep rearranging his little fingers to hold the frozen heart so it wouldn't slip away. All together a really fun event! I already have more frozen and ready to go in the freezer! I also can't wait to freeze other cool things and see how they turn out!!

-I added water to the paint so I wouldn't waste all the paint and so it was dissolve better in the water. 
-To make the layers you have to wait for the first layer to freeze before you can add anymore paint. 

Ways to enhance!!
-Add cups to put the frozen paint in. 
-We used squirt guns and eye droppers to squirt at the frozen paint as well and what little boy doesn't like squirt guns??